Summer Camp - 2019
Camp Rodney
Mrs. Welsh can begin entering merit badges April 1st—feel free to email choices or work with her to sign up on Mondays. Must be paid in full to sign up for merit badges. Please take some time to review the Leaders Guide with your interested scout to find out what programs interest. Encourage them to sign up for at least one eagle offering, and ensure perquisites are complete.
First year scouting program: Brownsea. Start working toward the First Class rank. Earn the Totin’ Chip and Firem’n Chit, as well as Swimming and Nature merit badges. All Brownsea scouts will enjoy rifle shooting, archery, canoes, catamarans, climbing, swimming and paracord survival bracelets.
The Sailing Base and Aquatics Programs are conducted on the natural waters of the Chesapeake and in our pool with three deep ends!
The N.E.S.T. Center (Nature, Ecology, Science and Technology) delivers the highest quality environmental and technology instruction through a facility with full computer and science laboratories.
The Health & Fitness area includes personal fitness and cycling activities on our Trek mountain bikes.
The recently renamed Bull Mountain Studios not only includes the traditional camp handicraft programs but also Movie Making, Photography, Music, Graphic Arts and more!
Shooting Sports are conducted on our three ranges in archery, shotgun and rifle.
Traditional Scoutcraft skills are practiced in our all new Scoutcraft pavilion and Climbing & Rappelling, and even ice climbing and night climbing are conducted on our tower!
Ensure medical form is update—make appointments now
Feel free to reach out to with any questions or concerns
An additional 3% has been added to all costs when paying through PayPal. You can avoid this fee by paying by check.