Chopped at Dennis Farm - November 2014 (by Cameron Dresdner)
Post date: Oct 12, 2009 11:33:21 PM
The “Chopped” camp out at Dennis Farm was a huge success. Stephen Pungello put in a great deal of planning and effort before the event, and it really paid off. He brought some great food items for the patrols. He and Max Schultz did an awesome job of officiating the teams.
Mr. Pungello, Mr. White, Mr. McKinnley and Mr. Boelcskevy took some extraordinary risks as judges, but they managed to survive the competition.
They loved the Vampiro Dragons’ breakfast causing the patrol to win the first round, but the Lumberjacks pulled ahead with their well-prepared dinner. It was neck and neck up to the dessert round where the Platypi gained lots of points and earned them the coveted Golden Spatula award!
We hope that the “Chopped” competitions will become a regular event with Troop 1018. Saturday’s soccer tournament was loads of fun. A big thanks to Ben Clark for organizing it.
Aside from the cooking and sports, the scouts earned Polar Bear patches as the temperature dipped down into the mid 20’s Friday night.