Prince William Forest Orienteering Camp out - March 2016 (by Cameron Dresdner)
Post date: Aug 23, 2017 6:20:0 PM
Yes, it rained, and it was cold, but the fire kept us warm, and the orienteering went on. We welcomed four new scouts (Rahul, Renard, Sean and Nathaniel) on their first Troop 1018 camp out at Prince William Forest.
They earned their Totin' Chip and Firem'n Chit patches, and some of the older scouts worked with them on various knots including the taut line hitch which was used to set up a tarp that protected us from the rain. The scouts did very well on their first orienteering course. Prince William Forest has a wide variety of orienteering courses, and the older scouts also did very well proving their skills and experience.
Everyone had a great time at the Saturday night camp fire. We told stories and jokes, played Holiday and Just a Minute, and many scouts participated in entertaining skits.
Although souls were sacrificed at the campfire, everyone managed to have a great time and the campout was a success.