Vietnam Veterans Memorial Cleaning In Powhatan Press (by Rose Trapp)
Post date: Aug 23, 2017 6:3:18 PM
The following is an excerpt from the September 2015 Issue of the Powhatan Press, BSA newsletter for our districts, that included a story about Troop 1018's service project to cleanup the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.
On Sunday, August 23, 2015 the Boy Scouts of America partnered with the National Park Services to keep the National Monuments beautiful for visitors. Troop 1018 from Dranesville, VA, along with Venture Crew 1018 and the Powhatan Chapter of the Order of the Arrow spent an early morning at the Vietnam War Veterans Memorial with scrub brushes and hoses, cleaning one of the most poignant War Memorials ever designed.
Our proximity to our Nation’s Capital enable our Scouts to perform a much appreciated service for our Nation. After cleaning the Memorial the Scouts had the opportunity to learn about the design and meaning of the Memorial
from a National Mall and Memorial Parks Ranger. Citizenship is one of the core values for the Boy Scouts. Caring for the Memorial and talking to the National Mall and Memorial Parks Ranger is a hand-son experience that teaches citizenship.
To see the September issue of Powhatan Press, including the full story and photos, click here.